The Logical Evolution of Professor LIN Liru's Educational Thought
摘要: 林砺儒是著名的教育理论家和教育活动家。作为教育理论家,他批判旧教育和反动教育,提倡新教育和进步教育,引领当时教育思想。林砺儒一生追求进步,被誉为“服务最有恒心的教育家”。他的教育思想丰富、进步,提出进步的社会才有进步的教育,教育是为了促进社会进步;进步的教育是人格教育,培养进步的学生;进步的人的培养需要进步的教师及师范教育。他的这一教育思想逻辑清晰,具有革命性、学术性和创造性,对后世影响很大。Abstract: LIN Liru is a famous educational theorist and educational activist. As an educational theorist, he criticized the old education and reactionary education, advocated new education and progressive education, and led the educational thinking of the time. The article looks back on his life of progress, known as the most persistent educator. His educational ideas are rich and progressive, and he proposed that only a progressive society could have a progressive education, with education promoting social progress; Progressive education was character education, cultivating of progressive students; The development of progressive people required progressive teachers and teacher education. His educational thought was logical, revolutionary, academic and creative, with a great influence on future academics.
Key words:
- LIN Liru /
- Educational thought /
- Progress /
- Logical evolution
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