An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Parenting Styles and Bullying Victimization among Students in Secondary Vocational School
摘要: 用父母教养方式量表、特拉华欺凌受害量表为测量工具对915名中职生进行调查研究以探讨中职生父母教养方式与欺凌受害之间的关系。结果发现:父母情感温暖与理解与中职生欺凌受害呈显著负相关,其中父亲情感温暖与理解负向预测中职生各维度欺凌受害;父母惩罚严厉、拒绝否认与父亲过度保护和母亲过干涉过保护与中职生欺凌受害各维度成显著正相关,其中父母惩罚严厉、父母拒绝否认对中职生欺凌受害各维度均存在正向预测作用,母亲过干涉过保护仅正向预测身体受欺凌、关系受欺凌与总体受欺凌;母亲偏爱被试与中职生言语受欺凌、关系受欺凌、总体受欺凌间存在显著正相关,但不存在预测作用。Abstract: Using the EMBU Scale and the Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale as measurement tools to investigate 915 students in secondary vocational schools, this paper explores the relationship between parenting styles and bullying victimization. Empirical analysis reveals the following findings: first, there is a significant negative correlation between parents’ emotional warmth and understanding and the bullying victimization of students. In particular, father's emotional warmth and understanding negatively predict all dimensions of the bullying victimization. Second, punishment, rejection and denial of parents, overprotection of father and excessive interference and overprotection of mother have a significant positive correlation with all dimensions of bullying victimization. In particular, punishment, rejection and denial of parents have positive predictive effects on all dimensions of bullying victimization, while the excessive interference and overprotection of mother only positively predict physical, relational and overall bullying victimization. Third, there is a significant positive correlation between preference of mothers and verbal, relational and overall bullying victimization, while the predictive effect does not exist.
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