A Few Questions on Immanuel Kant on Education: From Text Editing to Aesthetic Education
摘要: 《康德论教育》中有诸多问题需要进一步澄清和解释。单就论证的严谨性而言,《康德论教育》是有欠缺的,但这是可以理解的,因为康德起初就没有著书的打算,他的身体状况也不允许他去审读林克编写的内容。康德的实用人类学是康德教育学的基础之一,它使得康德的教育学具有了经验性。在《康德论教育》中,审美教育是缺失的,原因也许在于康德当时无暇去思索这个问题。但这并不代表康德不重视它,在《判断力批判》中康德就探讨了这个问题。在《康德论教育》中,康德认为人具有向善的禀赋,但他的这一人性观并不完整,还缺乏《单纯理性限度内的宗教》所提到的人有趋恶的倾向。《康德论教育》清楚呈现了教育的根本目的,即让人活出尊严来。康德的教育学具有神圣性的维度,与之相关,他在警惕儿童好奇心的同时,又重视儿童的“惊异”。Abstract: There are numerous issues within "Immanuel Kant on Education" that require further clarification and interpretation. In terms of the rigor of argumentation, "Immanuel Kant on Education" is found wanting, which is understandable given that Kant initially did not intend to write a book, and his health condition also prevented him from reviewing Linke's compilation. Kant's pragmatic anthropology is one of the foundations of his pedagogy, giving it an empirical dimension. Aesthetic education is missing in "Immanuel Kant on Education, " perhaps because Kant did not have time to contemplate this issue at that time, but this does not mean he did not value it. In the "Critique of Judgment, " Kant explored this matter. In "Immanuel Kant on Education, " Kant believes that humans have an innate propensity for good, but his view of human nature is not complete, which lacks the inclination towards evil mentioned in "Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason". "Immanuel Kant on Education" clearly presents the fundamental purpose of education, which is to enable people to live with dignity. Kant's pedagogy concludes a sacred dimension. And related to this, while he is cautious about children's curiosity, he also values their "wonder".
Key words:
- Pragmatic Anthropology /
- Aesthetics /
- Inclination towards Evil /
- Dignity /
- Wonder
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