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贾利帅. 和而不同:“三级两跳”视域下全纳教育与随班就读关系审视[J]. 现代教育论丛, 2023, (3): 101-110.
引用本文: 贾利帅. 和而不同:“三级两跳”视域下全纳教育与随班就读关系审视[J]. 现代教育论丛, 2023, (3): 101-110.
JIA Lishuai. Examining the Relationships between Inclusive Education and Learning in Regular Classrooms from the Perspective of 'Two Leaps within Three Stages'[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (3): 101-110.
Citation: JIA Lishuai. Examining the Relationships between Inclusive Education and Learning in Regular Classrooms from the Perspective of "Two Leaps within Three Stages"[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2023, (3): 101-110.




  • 中图分类号: G764

Examining the Relationships between Inclusive Education and Learning in Regular Classrooms from the Perspective of "Two Leaps within Three Stages"

  • 摘要: 欧美安置有特殊教育需要儿童的方式,相继经历了隔离式特殊教育、一体化教育以及目前正在进行的全纳教育三个阶段。这一发展历程中包含着两大跳跃:从隔离式特殊教育跳跃到一体化教育,再从一体化教育跳跃到全纳教育,称其为“三级两跳”。将中国随班就读置于“三级两跳”框架中进行历史分析,可以帮助我们厘清随班就读与全纳教育的关系。从“位育”思想出发,在全纳教育影响下就中国随班就读如何走出“危机”、摆脱困境,实现可持续化发展,论文提出了三步走战略。最后,就中国随班就读如何与全纳教育实现和谐共生达至“和而不同”进行了初步思考。


  • 图  1  欧美全纳教育发展的一般进程


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