A Study on the Communication and Friendship between Chen Heqin and the Younger Generations
摘要: 与青年后辈的交往是陈鹤琴教育生活的重要组成部分。陈鹤琴十分关心青年成长、支持青年发展,也颇为识才、爱才、惜才,热心提携青年后进,不仅悉心传授他们先进的研究方法和研究成果,还为他们的事业发展指路、引路、铺路,并以高尚的人格和精湛的学识感染和影响青年后辈,为中国近代幼教事业培养了一批英才,谱写了中国学前教育史上教育前辈提携培养后辈、后辈尊重前辈的动人篇章,为后人树立了崇高的榜样。陈鹤琴与青年后辈的交往活动表现出师生交往的淳朴性、交往场域的延伸性、交往对青年影响的终身性以及交往的教育性等四大显著特征。Abstract: Communicating with younger generations was an important part of Chen Heqin’s educational life. Chen Heqin was concerned about the growth of young people and he supported their development. He perceived and cherished their talents very much and was pleased to help them to make progress. He not only patiently taught them advanced academic methods, but also supported their career development. At the same time, he also influenced the youths with his personality and knowledge which helped to cultivate generations of talents of pre-school education in modern Chinese history. As a result, he became a model of helping younger generations who in return respect the older generations. Their communication activities show us four significant features: the simplicity of communication between teachers and students, the extension of communication field, the lifelong influence on the youths and the educational nature of communication.
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