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彭浥尘 段世飞

彭浥尘, 段世飞. 组织生态学视角下国际组织的全球教育治理行为研究——以经合组织为例[J]. 现代教育论丛, 2022, (4): 73-83.
引用本文: 彭浥尘, 段世飞. 组织生态学视角下国际组织的全球教育治理行为研究——以经合组织为例[J]. 现代教育论丛, 2022, (4): 73-83.
PENG Yichen, DUAN Shifei. An Analysis of the Global Educational Governance Behavior of International Organizations from the Perspective of Organizational Ecology:Taking the OECD as an Example[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (4): 73-83.
Citation: PENG Yichen, DUAN Shifei. An Analysis of the Global Educational Governance Behavior of International Organizations from the Perspective of Organizational Ecology:Taking the OECD as an Example[J]. Journal of Modern Education, 2022, (4): 73-83.


  • 中图分类号: G511

An Analysis of the Global Educational Governance Behavior of International Organizations from the Perspective of Organizational Ecology:Taking the OECD as an Example

  • 摘要: 国际组织虽然居于系统内部种群之中,但具有自主争取资源、拓宽生态位的能力。经合组织始终走在全球教育治理的前沿,通过争取组织资源和增强组织合法性、扩展治理议题、制度与规范竞争等策略,以及基于指标的数据式治理、基于"客户驱动"的知识生产式治理和基于经验传播的比较式治理等机制,积极参与全球教育治理的生态位竞争,最终在全球教育治理生态种群中占据优势地位和资源。


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  • 收稿日期:  2022-04-03
  • 网络出版日期:  2022-09-05


