Is There A Neighborhood Effect in Participating in Shadow Education? Evidences from the China FamilyPanel Studies
Abstract:Based on the 2010-2018 data of the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS), the binary Logit model is used to explore whether there is a neighborhood effect on students' participation in shadow education. The results show that:(1) There is a neighborhood effect for students participating in shadow education. The higher the shadow education participation rate in the same community, the greater the probability of individual students participating in shadow education. The result is still dramatical after including the lag period of the shadow education participation rate of the same community in the regression model. (2) The neighborhood effect of shadow education has gradually weakened, and the coefficient of shadow education participation rate in the same community has shown a downward trend year by year. Therefore, it is recommended that education administrative departments, schools and communities effectively implement the "double reduction" policy, broadening the ways of family-school-community education, and guiding parents to establish a scientific conciousness of parenting; residents and communities should cooperate with relevant departments to increase efforts to regulate the publicity content of off-campus training institutions to ease parents' education anxiety, which can suppress the neighborhood effect of shadow education in order to effectively reduce the burden on students.
Key words:
- Shadow education /
- Neighborhood effect /
- "Double reduction" policy
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