The Practical Dilemma and Improvement Strategy of Home-school Co-education: from the Perspective of Interactive Ritual Chain Theory
摘要: 良好的家校共育有利于促进孩子健康成长,也有利于家庭和学校实现教育目标。家校共育必须以家校互动为基础,而互动仪式链理论为家校互动提供了全新视角。运用互动仪式链理论透视家校共育的微观实践过程,发现当前家校共育的主体“脱域”,身体在场不足;家校共育关注焦点模糊,共育符号缺失;家校共育群体凝聚力不足,情感连带受阻。基于此,学校应创新共育方式,增强双方“临场”感;在“以生为本”的价值引领下创设共育符号,生成关注焦点;在凝聚团体精神的基础上促进情感共享,激发共育情感。Abstract: Good home-school co-education is conducive to promoting the healthy growth of children, but also conducive to the family and school to achieve educational goals. Home-school education must be based on the home-school interaction, the perspective of home-school interaction, through the micro practice process of home-school education, the lack of focus of attention, the lack of group cohesion and emotional resistance. Based on this, the school should innovate the way of co-education to enhance the "presence", create the co-education symbol under the value of "life oriented", generate the focus, and promote the emotional sharing and stimulate the co-education on the basis of condensing the group spirit.
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