Meet the Ideal Childhood Education: Book Review of The Beginning of Individual Growth: A Philosophical Interpretation of Childhood Education
摘要: 《个体成人的开端:儿童教育的哲学阐释》主要运用了生命叙事方法、发生学的方法、分析哲学方法等对个体成人的儿童教育思想进行了阐释。该书围绕“儿童发展的阶段性”“儿童教育的蕴含”及“儿童教育的灵魂”“儿童生活的展开与儿童教育的可能性”“儿童教育工作的起点与儿童教育的中心”“儿童教育的关键质素”“儿童教育的适应与超越”“呵护儿童生命成长的复杂性”等议题进行了阐释,形成了自圆其说的一套早期儿童个体成人的儿童教育哲学思想观点。该书认为,儿童是自然存在、美好生命存在和属人存在的整体性和发展性存在。最好的儿童教育是指向儿童发展的“积极的儿童教育”,是“爱与美相结合的教育”。最好的儿童开端教育是在儿童个体美好生活中朝向人类美好生活的教育。Abstract: Using life narrative method, genetic method and method of analytical philosophy, the book The Beginning of Individual Growth:A Philosophical Interpretation of Childhood Education interprets ideas of childhood education on individual growth. The book focuses on and interprets issues such as stages of children's development, implication of childhood education, the soul of childhood education, the unfolding of children's life and the possibilities of childhood education, the starting point and the center of the work of childhood education, the key qualities of childhood education, adaptation and transcendence of childhood education, and the complexity of caring children's life growth. It has developed a self-explanatory and systematic view of philosophy of childhood education on individual growth of early childhood. The book sees children as a holistic and developmental being in its natural, living and human existence. It argues that the ideal childhood education is a "positive childhood education" directed towards the development of children and an "education of integration of love and beauty". The ideal beginning of childhood education is an education in the good life of the individual child towards the good life of human being.
Key words:
- individual growth /
- research method /
- children's development /
- children's life /
- childhood education
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