The Transition of the Academic Profession: from the Sacred Profession to the Academic Profession
摘要: 大学教师这一学术职业,经历了从神圣职业向世俗化的学术专业的转变,同时也意味着这一职业本身的分殊化和专业化日益凸显,从而在一定程度上消解人类共同知识、思想与文化资源的普遍性和学术研究对人类共同福祉的关照。应该回到人的主体路径上,重新思考知识、教育和学术职业的使命与价值。Abstract: As a kind of academic profession, university faculty has undergone a change from sacred profession to secularized academic profession, which also means that the profession itself is increasingly differentiated and specialized which to a certain extent eliminate the universality of common human knowledge, ideological and cultural resources and the academic research's attention to common human welfare. We should return to the path of human subjectivity to rethink the mission and value of knowledge, education and academic profession.
Key words:
- academic profession /
- scholars /
- mission /
- academic professional
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