Summary of the Evolution of Pattern of the Educational Research in Francophone French-speaking European Countries
摘要: 在法国,教育研究出现在经验的人文学科之中。整个19世纪,它一直"镶嵌"于其中而不谈论自身的独立性。20世纪初,欧洲法语国家量化方法的发展给教育领域带来了新的知识增长,独立形态的教育科学初具雏形;欧洲法语国家经验的教育科学在发轫之时便与心理学纠缠在一起,社会学的视野也随即展开,逐渐形成了一种多学科共同关注教育现实的"割据"状态,在建制上以高等教育研究机构为代表;教育实践本身对整体性的要求打破了这种割据状态,尤其是,政策制定者从20世纪60年代开始,对教育研究显示出浓厚的兴趣,并设立了自己的研究机构。"割据主义"与"整体主义"的知识生产方式可能导致了法国在20世纪晚期的一种泾渭分明的知识格局。Abstract: In France, the research on education emerged from the empirical humanities. Throughout the 19th century, it remained "embodied" in them without considering its own independence. At the beginning of the 20th century, the development of quantitative methods allowed a new growth of knowledge in the field of education in French-speaking countries and as a result, educational science began to take an independent form. In these countries, the empirical study of education was entangled with psychology from the very beginning, and it vision also extended to the field of sociology. Gradually, as various disciplines all developed their own concerns with educational reality, a regime of "fragmentation" had been established, represented by organization structure of higher education research institutions. However, the fact that educational practice requires for integrity had broken the state of fragmentation. In particular, policy-makers had also shown a strong interest in educational research since the 1960s, and set up their own research institutions. The "fragmentary" and "holistic" approach to knowledge production may have led to completely different patterns of knowledge in France in the late 20th century.
Key words:
- pedagogy /
- educational science /
- fragmentation /
- holism
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