Practical Curriculum Construction of Preschool Education based on Virtual Reality Technology
摘要: 加强实践课程建设是深化学前教育专业课程改革的重点内容。借助于虚拟现实技术深化学期教育专业课程改革,可以弥补优质实践教育资源不足,令学生在虚拟的实践场景中提升专业素养和能力。本研究从阐述虚拟现实技术实践课程的优势与特征出发,通过对游戏化教学中的沉浸理论、具身认知、整合情境理论的整合,着眼于建构基于整合情境的学前教育专业虚拟实践课程体系。从虚拟实践准备层、实践层、心理反馈层三个层面把握学前教育专业实践课程体系结构,是虚拟现实技术运用于学前教育专业实践课程的具体路径。Abstract: Strengthening the construction of practical curriculum is the key content of deepening the curriculum reform of preschool education. Deepening the professional curriculum reform of semester education with the help of virtual reality technology is able to remedy insufficiency of the high-quality practical education resources and improve students' professional consciousness and competence in the virtual practice scene. This study focuses on the construction of virtual practice curriculum system based on integrated situation from expounding the advantages and characteristics of virtual reality technology practice curriculum, and through integrating flow theory, embodied cognition theory, and integrated situation theory in gamification teaching. The specific way to apply virtual reality technology to the practical curriculum of preschool education is to grasp the curriculum system structure from the practice preparation layer, the practice layer, and the psychological feedback layer.
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