Analysis of Professor ZHU Bo's Contributions to Comparative Education
摘要: 朱勃是新中国比较教育学科的重要开创者和奠基人,他对比较教育学学科的贡献是系统和深远的:作为新中国比较教育学的奠基人之一,他立足实际,推动我国比较教育学学科的重建与发展,与王承绪、顾明远合作主编了新中国第一部比较教育教材;作为新中国比较教育学建设的设计师,他对比较教育学的学科定义、研究对象、研究目的乃至方法论进行了系统规划;作为新中国比较教育学发展的战略家,他以长远的眼光指出比较教育学研究当以“古”鉴今、以“今”为主、“洋”为中用;作为新中国比较教育学学科的推广者,他倾尽心力搭建研究平台,培植专业人才,推动了华南地区比较教育学科的建设和发展。朱勃先生的十年学术耕耘,为新中国比较教育学学科的蓬勃发展奠定了坚实的基础。Abstract: Professor ZHU Bo is an important pioneer and founder of comparative education in China, who makes systematic and far-reaching influences to the subject of comparative education. As one of the founders of comparative education in China, he promoted the reconstruction and development of this discipline based on the reality. He edited the first comparative education textbook in China with Professor WANG Chengxu and Professor GU Mingyuan. As the designer of the construction of comparative education in China, he made a systematic design on the subject definition, research object, research purpose and even methodology of the comparative education discipline. As a strategist in the development of comparative education in China, he pointed out that the study of comparative education should learn from the past, focus on the present and make foreign things serve China with the long-term view. As a promoter of comparative education discipline in China, he devoted himself to building the research platform and cultivating professional talents, to promote the construction and development of comparative education discipline in South China. Professor ZHU Bo's ten-year academic cultivation has laid a solid foundation for the flourishing of comparative education in China.
Key words:
- ZHU Bo /
- Comparative education /
- Discipline construction
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