Science Education in Museum Settings:Theories,Features and Forms
摘要: 本文运用文献研究法和内容分析法,对场馆中的科学教育研究进行综述。建构主义学习理论、情境学习理论和合作学习理论为场馆中的科学教育提供理论基础。激发兴趣和动机、理解科学内容和知识、参与科学推理、反思科学本质、参与科学实践和认同科学事业是场馆中科学教育的主要特征。基于展品的教学活动和基于技术的教学活动是场馆中科学教育的主要形式。Abstract: In this paper,literature research and content analysis are used to review the research on science education in museums.Constructivist learning theory,situational learning theory and cooperative learning theory provide theoretical basis for science education in museums.Stimulating interest and motivation,understanding science content and knowledge,participating in scientific reasoning,reflecting on the nature of science,participating in scientific practice and identifying with the cause of science are the main characteristics of science education in the venue.Exhibits based teaching activities and technology based teaching activities are the main forms of science education in museums.
Key words:
- Museum learning /
- Science education /
- Museum education
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