Teachers' Paid Compensated Tuition:An In-depth Interpretation and Solution
摘要: 久禁不止的教师有偿补课问题不单纯是一个教育问题,也不单纯是一个师德问题,而是中国社会发展问题在教育这一社会子系统的某种反映。教师有偿补课的外部原因主要包括:现代化社会转型过程中的人们整体上比较焦虑、教育发展的实然价值取向受到“剧场效应”影响、一些教育行政主管部门在监管方面存在失责。教师有偿补课的内部根源主要包括:教师有偿补课背后是一个“一拍即合”的巨大市场、一些教师在素质彰显方面表现出师德水平不高。化解教师有偿补课问题的建议有三:一是通过加强师德建设,创设一种“本就不该”的价值认同,让教师“不想”有偿补课;二是通过提升收入,创设一种“多此一举”的退出效应,让教师“不愿”有偿补课;三是通过制度建立,创设一套“望而生畏”的防范机制,让教师“不能”有偿补课。Abstract: The long-standing problem of teachers' paid compensated tuition is, in a sense, not simply an educational issue, nor simply an issue of teacher's ethics, but a reflection of the social development of Chinese society in the social subsystem of education. The external causes of the problem mainly include:the overall anxiety of people in the process of modernization and social transformation, the influence of the "theatre effect" on the real values of educational development, and the failure of some educational administrative departments to monitor the situation. The internal roots of teachers' paid compensated tuition mainly include the fact that the phenomenon of teachers' paid compensated tuition is itself a huge market of " hit it off", and that some teachers have a low level of teacher ethics. There are three ways to solve the problem of teachers' paid compensated tuition:first, creating a value identity of " shouldn't have" by strengthening teachers' ethics, so that teachers " do not want" paid compensated tuition; second, creating a "redundant" exit effect by raising teachers' income, so that they are "unwilling" to do paid compensated tuition; third, creating an institutionalized " daunting" preventive mechanism, so that teachers " cannot" do paid compensated tuition.
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