Facilitating Five-Dimensional Cultivation through “Wall Culture”: A Case Study of Primary School A in Guangdong Province
摘要: “培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人”是当下我国基础教育的重要任务。“墙文化”作为学校文化的重要组成部分,应该聚焦学校文化的精华,帮助师生树立全面发展的意识,促进全面发展的教育活动的开展,从而发挥其特有的隐性育人功能。然而,“墙文化”在现实建设中存在着重设计轻提炼、重宣传轻教育、重成人轻儿童的错位现象,无法真正实现其功能。只有深深植根于办学特色、教学活动、学生活动,“墙文化”才能真正发挥促进学生“德智体美劳”全面发展的功能。Abstract: To cultivate the socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, aesthetics and labor is a key aim of fundamental education in China. As an important part of school culture, "wall culture" should realize its invisible cultivation functions in the following aspects: to focus on the essence of the school’s culture; to help teachers and students establish a consciousness of all-round development; to facilitate the educational activities targeting students’ all-round development. Empirical analysis identifies several practical barriers hindering the functions of "wall culture": emphasizing more design over refinement, emphasizing more publicity over education, and emphasizing more adults over children. The "wall culture" should be rooted in the school’s operational features, teaching activities and student activities to realize its function of promoting students’ all-round development.
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