Research on the Influence of Network Public Opinions on College Students' Willingness to Donate from the Perspective of Empathy
摘要: 为探究网络舆论是否会对不同共情能力大学生的捐献意愿产生影响,本研究随机抽取200名大学生被试进行共情能力测查,筛选出高低共情能力被试共70名参与实验。被试首先阅读真实微博舆论事件,然后阅读针对该事件的积极或消极的评论,最后填写共情反应量表并报告自己的捐献意愿程度,结果表明: (1)不同类型的评论条件下,被试的捐献意愿存在显著差异,积极评论条件下的被试捐献意愿显著高于消极评论条件下的捐献意愿; (2)对高共情能力大学生而言,共情反应中的同情维度在网络舆论与捐献意愿之间起部分中介作用,共情水平越高,对网络评论的同情反应越强,捐献意愿也越强。Abstract: In order to explore whether empathy and network public opinions will affect the donation willingness of college students, this research randomly selected 200 college students to test their empathy ability, and selected 70 subjects with various empathy ability to conduct experiments. The participants first read the Weibo public opinion event, then read the positive or negative comments on the event, and finally asked the subjects to fill out the empathy response scale and report their willingness to donate. The results showed that:(1) Under different types of comment conditions, there was significant differences in the willingness of the participants to donate. The willingness to donate under positive conditions was significantly higher than that under negative conditions; (2) In high empathy ability condition, the sympathy dimension in the empathy response plays a partial intermediary role between network public opinion and the willingness to donate. The higher the level of empathy, the stronger the sympathy response to network comments, the stronger the donation will.
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