Mentorship in Early Years Education: Meaning, Function and Challenge——Experiences and Implications from Europe and America
摘要: 导师制(Mentoring)是一种有着特殊情感承诺的年轻教师入职培训手段。资深教师作为导师,在负责为年轻教师答疑解惑、传授经验的同时,也为他们提供情感性支持。同时,在这段平等且充满信任的关系中,年轻教师加速成长,导师也在研讨不同教学案例时不断思考和提升,并逐渐转化为教育领袖。目前导师制已在许多欧美国家的学前教师培训中实施并取得了较好的效果,与此同时,社群性或以互联网为载体的新型导师制模型也逐渐被开发使用。在我国,新入职的年轻学前教育教师同样面临着经验不足、支持不足等挑战。因此,厘清导师制内涵、了解西方国家的现有经验,可以为中国学前教师的培养提供有益借鉴。Abstract: Mentoring is a unique method of teacher induction which requires emotional commitment from both parties. Mentor, the experienced teacher, not only offer suggestions but also provide emotional support to the mentee and the new teacher. This relationship is full of trust and also pushes the mentor to learn, reflect and transform to educational leader. Due to its significance, now mentoring has been widely implemented in a lot of western countries to support early childhood educators. Meanwhile, people also have explored some new models of mentoring including peer-group mentoring, internet-based mentoring and so on. Since, in China, the new early childhood educators also face a lot of challenges including inadequate experience or a lack of social support, it is meaningful to see mentoring as a potential tool, and hence, learning from the western experience might bring people some inspiration.
Key words:
- Western countries /
- mentoring /
- early childhood education /
- emotional support /
- educational Leader
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