Has the Power of Academic Committee Increased?——A study on the Power Allocation of Academic Committees in the “Post-regulation” Universities
摘要: 自《高等学校学术委员会规程》颁布实施以来,高校纷纷制定或修订学术委员会章程,建立健全学术委员会组织体系。本研究基于某研究型大学个案研究发现,随着学术委员会组织和制度的不断完善,学术委员会事务性决策权得到落实和扩大,但学术委员会制度性决策权难以得到保障,甚至呈现出弱化趋势。学术委员会制度供给、政府简政放权和资源配置方式是影响学术委员会权力配置的主要因素。Abstract: Since the "Regulation of Academic Committee in Higher Education" has been promulgated, higher education institutions have formulated or revised the regulation of academic committee and reformed the organizational system of academic committee. Based on a case study of a research-oriented university, this study identifies that with the continuous institutional improvement of academic committee, the committee's transactional decision -making power has been expanded, while its institutional decision-making power has weakened. The institutional supply, the streamlining of administration and delegating power, and the resource allocation configuration are the main factors that affect the power distribution of academic committee.
Key words:
- academic authority /
- academic committee /
- allocation of authority /
- post-regulation era
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