In the systematic education project of cultural education in universities, cultural participation is an important component with special status as well as significance, which cannot be replaced. Cultural education and cultural participation not only require educators, implementers, and active planning, effective implementation, and continuous promotion, but also require the conscious response, active participation, and active development of learners. The keys to the rates, achievements and success of cultural education lie in the conscious, the proactive, the primary, and the subjective development of learners. In the process of cultural participation, indispensable important factors include the cultivation of cultural awareness, the optimization of cultural attitudes, the development of artistic experiences, the continuation of cultural connotations, the enrichment of cultural experience, and the achievement of cultural achievements. Only when each of educators and learners, subjects and objects, the subjective and the objective, internal and external factors, and various forces exert their strengths, stimulating each other, gathering and advance together, can they possibly stimulate their maximum potential, exert their maximum strength and achieve the best results, to carry out positive results in cultural education in universities and make due contributions to the talent cultivation and development of universities in the new era.