On the Similarities and Differences between Educational Semiotics and Semiotic Education
摘要: 从跨学科角度看“教育+符号”两大系统:一是偏向符号学的教育符号学,主要探究教育领域的符号现象和规律;二是偏向教育学的符号教育学,主要以符号学、理论资源研究教育问题。教育符号学与符号教育学两个术语能指的分野,以及所指概念之迥异,已经引起迷思。两个术语虽然研究议题和面对问题多有重合,但其区别也是明显的,主要体现在四个维度——逻辑论、本体论、方法论、实践论。从逻辑论维度而言,教育符号学是偏正结构,教育是修饰语,属符号学,所意指的符号学是整个人文社科或人类文化之全域;符号教育学也是偏正结构,符号是修饰语,属教育学,所意指的符号学是与教育学并行的另外一套系统,两者重叠领域即符号教育学。从本体论维度而言,教育符号学中的符号具有本体论意味,符号是人类生存家园,符号不仅为自然界立法,同时还为社会立法;符号教育学之教育具有本体论意味,教育是社会人生成的条件,教育是人类持续存在的家园,教育为人心立法。从方法论维度看,教育符号学中教育的育人本质是符号学伦理性保证,符号教育学中的符号是教育学的一种视角和研究方法。从实践论维度看,教育符号学主要功效在于:一是探索教育中的符号意义,二是从教育视角推进符号理论与实践;符号教育学的主要功效在于:一是探索符号中的教育意义,二是从符号视角推进教育理论与实践。Abstract: From the interdisciplinary point of view, the two systems of "educational signs" are:firstly, educational semiotics in favor of semiotics, which mainly explores the semiotic phenomena and laws in the field of education; secondly, semiotic education in favor of education, which mainly uses theoretical resources of semiotics to study educational issues. The distinction between educational semiotics and semiotic education, as well as the different concepts referred to, have caused confusion. Although there are many overlaps between the two terms in terms of research topics and issues, the differences are also obvious, mainly reflected in four dimensions:logic theory, ontology, methodology and practice theory. In terms of logic theory, in the endocentric structure of educational semiotics, education is the modifier that belongs to semiotics which refers to the whole domain of humanities and social sciences or human culture. On the other hand, in the endocentric structure of semiotics education, semiotics is the modifier that belongs to education. This semiotics here refers to another system parallel to education, and the overlapping field between the two is semiotic education. From the perspective of ontology, the signs in educational semiotics have ontological meaning in the sense that they are the home of human existence, and they legislate not only for nature but also for society. The education in semiotic education has ontological meaning in the sense that education is the condition for making social human beings as well as the home for the continuing existence of human beings. It legislates for human. From the perspective of methodology, the educational essence of education in educational semiotics is the ethical guarantee of semiotic, while the sign in semiotic education is a perspective and research method of pedagogy. From the perspective of practice theory, the main effects of educational semiotics are:firstly, to explore the semiotic meaning in education; secondly, to promote semiotic theory and practice from the perspective of education. The main effects of semiotic education are:firstly, to explore the educational meaning of signs; secondly, to promote educational theory and practice from the perspective of signs.
Key words:
- sign /
- education /
- semiotics /
- educational semiotics /
- semiotic education
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